martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Smocked Dresses

Smocking is an art. It was originally used in England to give elasticity and flexibility to fabric before elastic was invented.

 I remember as a child I used to wear smocked dresses for every birthday party and special occasion. However, recently this trend has been somewhat forgotten. Sadly, given the craftmanship of smocking is something so beautiful and now a days rare. Young women do not have as much as an interest in learning how to smock. Is this an art, that with time, will be lost to older generations?

A few year´s ago, after my second daughter was born, I got a wonderful gift in the mail. My sister's friend who lives in Italy but is of Venezuelan descent sent me three beautiful smocked dresses handmade by her eighty year old grandmother. It has been one of the most amazing gifts I have ever received, a wonderful treasure for me to keep and pass on to my generations. My oldest daughter fell in love with these dresses and wore them to every event. She got all complements, given they would stop me to ask where I had gotten such beauties. I hope when I am eighty I still have the hands and eyesight to sow like this!

I believe children are a reflection of their parents. New moms now say these beauties are not practical, however my little girls have always worn them and have gotten nothing more than compliments.

So, given vintage is back in fashion and in the midst of being creative and designing our first line of little girls dresses, we have decided to give smocking a new air. Inspired by beautiful smocked dresses from the 1940´s and 50´s  (some of these patterns are still available for sale on Etsy) we have found a wonderful seamstress to create our inspired designs, and bring back what once was forgotten.



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