viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

Eggs Nest

Long ago, in college, I bought this card. It had a single quote by Carl Sagan, with a pretty drawing of a window looking onto a luscious garden. It read, "I don´t know where I´m going, but I´m on my way..."

I felt identified with this quote because sometimes, even if you have a master plan, life throws curves at you, and you find yourself once again lost in the beginning of what may become an amazing journey.

And so, I guess I should begin our story with how the idea of Egg Nest began...

I have been busy being a mom for five wonderful years. Its been an amazing journey filled with a whirlwind of learning while in doubt and frustration, but beyond all its been filled with happiness.

However, amidst finding the perfect balance between being a wife, mother, and woman, I felt I had left someone behind. That little person inside of me that once said "I want to be a business woman in New York".

For months I had been debating on opening a small store called Eggs Nest. I was inspired by my little girls and a small passion for birds I've had since I was a child. But life again took over and in between buying a house and my oldest daughter starting school, we had no budget for a small store.

And so, once again life threw a curve, and my prayers for direction were answered. I got an opportunity to have a small craft segment on a local channel. I know it sounds huge, me on TV every week! I was overwhelmed and the ideas just started flowing.

Motivated by all this excitement, I decided to talk to my best friend, one of the people whom I admire most, for her logic sense of life, and because she is one of the most talented crafters I know. We sat down for lunch with our little munchkins playing around us, and this marked the beginning of our partnership and the birth of Eggs Nest.

You can learn more about us, in our page. We invite you to share our journey on becoming young entrepenuer mothers.